Configure oracle software

Configure oracle software

Configure oracle net

  1. Teamcenter uses Oracle Net protocols to communicate with an Oracle database.
  2. These protocols require that you run a listener process (OracleTNSListener) on the Oracle server to listen for remote connect requests and that all clients can translate the service alias identifying the server and database.
Configure oracle listener
  1. Start oracle net manager.
  2. Start→All Programs→Oracle -instance-name→Configuration and Migration Tools→Net Manager.
  3. Or search for Net Manager.

Create a listener.ora file
  • Expand Local icon.
  • select Listener folder and choose Edit→Create.
  • Accept the default listener name (LISTENER) and click OK.
  • Click the Add Address button.
  • Specify the port number.
  • In the Local tree, click Profile.
  • In the Naming list (to the right of the Oracle Net Configuration tree), choose General.
  • Click the Advanced tab.
  • In the TNS Time Out Value box, type 10.
  • Save the listener information, choose File→Save Network Configuration.
Oracle Net Manager saves the listener information and creates the network\admin\listener.ora and network\admin\sqlnet.ora files in the Oracle home directory.

Exit Oracle Net Manager, choose File→Exit.

In a command prompt, create and start the listener service:

cd ORACLE_HOME\bin lsnrctl start LISTENER

Replace ORACLE_HOME with the path to the directory where you installed the Oracle server, for example, d:\app\infodba\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1. This command creates and starts the service if it does not exist. If the service exists, the command starts it.

Do you Know :

⏩For the first listener, Siemens PLM Software recommends accepting the default port number (1521).

⏩Record the number of the port used by the Oracle database server listener for an entry during corporate server installation. Teamcenter Environment Manager requires this port number.

⏩This step sets the Oracle server-side SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter. This value determines how often the Oracle server checks for aborted client connections. Teamcenter requires that this parameter be set to a nonzero value and the recommended value is 10 (10 minutes).

Teamcenter Solution

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