Configure oracle software
Configure oracle net
- Teamcenter uses Oracle Net protocols to communicate with an Oracle database.
- These protocols require that you run a listener process (OracleTNSListener) on the Oracle server to listen for remote connect requests and that all clients can translate the service alias identifying the server and database.
Configure oracle listener
- Start oracle net manager.
- Start→All Programs→Oracle -instance-name→Configuration and Migration Tools→Net Manager.
- Or search for Net Manager.
Create a listener.ora file
- Expand Local icon.
- select Listener folder and choose Edit→Create.
- Accept the default listener name (LISTENER) and click OK.
- Click the Add Address button.
- Specify the port number.
- In the Local tree, click Profile.
- In the Naming list (to the right of the Oracle Net Configuration tree), choose General.
- Click the Advanced tab.
- In the TNS Time Out Value box, type 10.
- Save the listener information, choose File→Save Network Configuration.
Oracle Net Manager saves the listener information and creates the network\admin\listener.ora and network\admin\sqlnet.ora files in the Oracle home directory.
Exit Oracle Net Manager, choose File→Exit.
In a command prompt, create and start the listener service:
cd ORACLE_HOME\bin lsnrctl start LISTENER
Replace ORACLE_HOME with the path to the directory where you installed the Oracle server, for example, d:\app\infodba\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1. This command creates and starts the service if it does not exist. If the service exists, the command starts it.
Do you Know :
⏩For the first listener, Siemens PLM Software recommends accepting the default port number (1521).
⏩Record the number of the port used by the Oracle database server listener for an entry during corporate server installation. Teamcenter Environment Manager requires this port number.
⏩This step sets the Oracle server-side SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter. This value determines how often the Oracle server checks for aborted client connections. Teamcenter requires that this parameter be set to a nonzero value and the recommended value is 10 (10 minutes).
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